Book Review: Is a Worry Worrying You?
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Is a Worry Worrying You?
Ferida Wolff and Harriet May Savitz
Illustrations by Marie Le Tourneau
This a great book to gift to adults kids who worry a lot.
It explains what is a worry, how it can bother anyone, anytime and anywhere. And how it can affect one in a
negative way.
Worry is like an ugly monster who will scare you if you allow him to.
The book states that what adults think as nothing could
be the biggest worry for kids.

And the book provides simple, effective and fun
solutions for every worry possible.
Worries steal one's happiness and makes one weak.

Worry gets it power through us, its nothing if we pay no attention to it.
About the book
Adults think of childhood as a carefree time, but the truth is that children worry, and worry a lot, especially in our highly pressurized era. This book addresses children's worries with humor and imagination, as hilarious scenarios teach kids the use of perspective and the art of creative problem-solving.

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