
The First Horror (99 Fear Street Book 1)
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The First Horror (99 Fear Street Book 1)
R. L. Stine

 The story starts with Cally and Kody Frasier, twin sisters arriving on 99 Fear Street in Shadyside with their family. Though the place is anything but pleasing, the family try their best to fix things.
But soon, weird and dangerous things start occurring. The house has its own back story, no one ever lived there and also who people who build the house were killed.
The Frasier's have near death experiences. 
 What seems like a gripping thriller turns out be the biggest horror in this book.
A  greatly written book for every horror lover.
The first book in a scary new trilogy contributing to a series with more than 8.5 million copies in print. Here begins the terrifying story of a family who moves into the house that even their neighbors on Fear Street are afraid to enter. Twin sisters must learn the secret of the evil or be the next victims.

Silver Hair

Silver Hair: Say Goodbye to the Dye and Let Your Natural Light Shine: A Handbook

Price - $8.57
Quite a new concept and very positive. If this impacts everyone, I'm sure no woman would ever require to hide her greys.
The book has experiences from real people who choose not to color their grey hair and how they loved it. Hope this turns into a revolution all over the world.
The real message is to embrace yourself as you change. It has advice on how even dull grey hair can look pretty with adequate care.
Thanks to the author for writing this book. A must read for everyone because someday everyone will have those greys!

About the book
Celebrate the power of silver! Be bold with this ultimate handbook-plus-manifesto for every woman who’s ready to say goodbye to the dye and let her natural color shine.
Written by the author of the bestselling Curly Girl, Silver Hair covers step-by-step the many options for going silver with style. It includes before-and-after photos of real models; advice on how to stay gorgeous during the silver journey—with tips on the best ways to have a smooth color transition; keeping your silver gorgeous with the right hair care and DIY recipes; and finally how to complement your chic new look with flattering fashion, makeup, and accessories.
Going silver is not just about style, or saving time and money at the salon or on your own.  It satisfies that deeper desire for authenticity and the freedom to be oneself.

Reviewed By Hemdiva Dev

Author Interview: Junior Ranger Aida Frey

Let’s Welcome Aida Frey
Thank you so much for having me!
Tell about yourself and your book.
My name is Aida Frey, I’ve been a Jr. Ranger for 7 years and I’ve visited 304 National Parks! My book, “America, Can I Have Your Autograph?” is a book about my adventures at the National Parks and how they inspired me to visit our country!

What does a Junior Ranger mean and what do they do?
A Junior Ranger is a person of any age who visits our wonderful National Parks and learns something at every visit! They tell others about the beautiful places you can visit and take care of the park itself.
When did you first thought about becoming a junior ranger?
My first national park was Effigy Mounds in Iowa and my Mom and Dad took me there when I was only 9 years old. Two very nice lady rangers came up to me and helped me fill out my first Jr. Ranger booklet so I could receive my badge, it was life changing!
Inspiration behind your love for wildlife?
When I was a kid, I used to carry this plush animal of a fox, and I think seeing the actual animal and having a little toy to go along with it was cool.
What reactions do you get from family, friends, teachers, etc?
I always get the best reactions; everyone is always asking me questions and is always really proud of me!
Who always accompanies you to the national parks?
Both of my parents, so mom and dad
Your favourite Animal/Bird?
I would say foxes or wolves, seeing them in the National Parks were always a treat!
Do you have pets? Which?
I don’t since I travel way too much to keep one, but maybe one day
Where do you plan to visit next?
We plan on visiting Southern California over the summer of 2018; we’re still planning the specifics.
How did you come up with the idea of publishing your amazing experience as a book?
When I first started visiting the parks, I always wrote down what happened at that park, what I did and who did I meet, so after a while, I had this big pile of notebooks filled with stories. I had the idea in 8th Grade to publish my stories and encourage others!
Do you look at writing as a career?
I think writing more books would be awesome, but my main focus for a career would be becoming the National Park Director so I can make more parks to visit!
If yes, which genres would you also like to write in?
I am thinking of continuing the story and maybe publishing a second book
Can everyone join you as junior ranger?
Yes! There is no age limit and it’s very easy and fun!
Can adults also join?
Of course! Both of my parents are Jr. Rangers and so was my Grandma! We went to the Grand Canyon and she got her badge with me too!
A funny experience you had in a national park?
I’ve had a wild horse stick it’s head into my car and eat an apple out of my hand, the full story has its own chapter in my book!
A scary experience?
I went to Indiana Dunes National Park with two of my other friends and we hiked a trail late in the evening. We actually got lost and bats were flying all around us! It was pretty scary, but awesome because it was such a unique experience!
Your favourite celebrity and why?
My favourite celebrity is Harry Styles from One Direction. I think he’s not afraid to express his thoughts on things through music, which encouraged me to learn to play the guitar like him!
Writing, travelling and studies. How do you manage all three?
I wish that was all I had to deal with! I also play sports, the guitar and book signings in my area and always busy with my life. My friends are really helpful in helping me balance everything, but it’s difficult sometimes.
Subjects you enjoy in school?
I take two college courses at my high school, which is psychology and US History, and those are my favorite classes because it challenges me and I learn A LOT.
One animal you think, the earth would be bad without?
I think birds. We hear them every single day and it would be really weird looking at the sky and seeing nothing.
Your favourite Quotes, Books, Authors?
My favourite book is “How To Be A Bawse” by Lilly Singh, Her book is about being the best version of yourself and how to be productive in even the most stressful situations.
Your Hobbies?
Playing hockey with my friends, listening to music and playing the guitar.
Favourite food/ cuisine?
Anything that’s edible really. I LOVE trying new foods! I also have an unhealthy obsessions with humus J  
Are you health conscious? What do you do for your health?
Since I play lacrosse and hockey over the summer, I tend to lay off the cans of pop and junk food. Of course every once in a while, I might cheat, but I try my best!
If you become a Millionaire overnight, what would you do with the money?
I think I would publish my second book, save some money for college and
visit more national parks!
 Connect with the Author:
 Join junior ranger programmes-

Interviewed by Hemdiva dev
Thank you!

The Ghost, The Owl

The Ghost, The Owl

The Ghost, The Owl

This is a story of a girl ghost who does not remember who she was when she was alive. The birds, especially owl helps her despite being warned not to. And she discovers the truth about her life.
Very beautiful graphics and amazing story with a message that we should always help each other.
They who help get help, always.
Book is available for pre-order.
About the book
On a cool evening on the swamp, a figure appears dancing across the water. A human figure, but far from a human form. A Ghost, a young girl spirit that seems to have lost its way. A good Samaritan owl decides to help against the wishes of his animal brethren. What mysteries does the ghost girl hold the secrets to and what will happen when she and the owl unlock them together? Will they find out what happened to her? Will she find her way to where she needs to be? What will happen to the animals in the swamp and surrounding forest? An adventure with the most unlikely of pairs, The Ghost, the Owl. 
Thank you Edelweiss for the copy.